Importation Business In Nigeria
Complete Guide To Importation Business In Nigeria
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" How To Build A Multi Million
Importation Business With A little Capital As Low As N10,000 Only " !
Thanks for visiting us here , if you have been looking for an effective way to make money from the comfort of your home by importation of Good's then you have arrived at the right place . we have all the informations you need to start and build your importation business. just browse through our site ,i guarantee you will discover usefull and hiden secrete about successful importation business from home..
First of all before i start, for the sake of those who
doesn't know me let me introduce myself, am Onuwa Chike Madukwe an Internet/Affiliate Marketer, Social Media
Expert, Website Designer and an Importer, I make my living practically online from affiliate marketing,
information marketing, designing websites for my clients and importing Goods in medium scale from china
and supplying them to retailers, All i do is based online and i run my business with the
name Exto Online Services duly registered with the Nigerian Corprate Affairs Commission
with Reg No: IM5909 and we have office in Aba ,Abia State Nigeria . You can know more about me by doing a
google search on my name or company's name, you will find a load of details about me because i have a well
established online presence, or you can visit my website on
Can Someone Build a Solid Importation Business in
Nigeria With Only N10, 000?
know this could be the question going around your mind.
YES!!! Its 100% possible, you can build a multi million importation business with a capital as low as N10, 000 only. i know this really sound strenge, but i have proofs which shows how valid this business is.
YES!!! Its 100% possible, you can build a multi million importation business with a capital as low as N10, 000 only. i know this really sound strenge, but i have proofs which shows how valid this business is.
What Do I Mean By
Importation With N10,000 And Above.
When am talking about starting
an importation trade with 10,000 naira, i dont mean to say that one can buy a full contaner load with
N10,000. rather, i mean that one can start and build his importation business with an average capital of at
least N10,000 and build it into millions within a space of some
How Dose It
Work: Recently, i discoverd a website of a marketing company
based in china that are selling the following items online at a very cheep price compare to the price that
same goods of the same quality are been sold here in nigeria.
==> Mobile Phones and Accessories.
===> Black berry mobile
===> Android tablet And
==> Laptop computers and
==> USB
and Memory Cards
===> i pad and
===> Jewelry set ( Necklaces, Rings
, Eyewear Bracelets & Bangles )
Men's fashion wears
===> I Phones4g phone cellphone
==> Ladies Fashion wears.
==> Ladies Make-Ups and Makeup Tools.
==> Ladies wigs and Hair Extensions (Human Hair , Synthetic Hair, Blended Hair, Feather Hair,
Brazilian Hair etc.
===> Detergents Powders, Soap and body
discovring these website, i decided to give them a try and discoverd that they are not scam becuase they adopt
and accepted to be paid via a process called Escrow.
let me explain a bit
about escrow payments, When making payment via escrow it simply means that you are not paying direct to the
seller of the goods rather you are paying to a reputable company who will keep the money until the supplier
ships the goods and you recieve it, confirm the quality and then inform the escorw company to release the
payments to the supplier and incase they goods aint what you bought just request for a refund from escrow. You
will be refunded at once. so with this method, you can never lose your money.
NOTE: Don't ever request for a
refund when what you bought is what you recieved cause it will be investigated and proven.
How to start importation with only
Am sure you are desprate to know how to start importation with
only N10,000 because it naturally sound impossible. But i will tell you how. Among the products listed
above, you can as well adopt my method. the very method that i used when i started. i started
with women make up. then, i bought a few sets of women make up which is N4950 in total to be
precise. when it arrived, i sold each of them tripple the price that i
bought them then the money multiplied times three. Now am buying mostly laptops and mobile phones.
If you dont want to adopt my idea, here are some products you
can as well start with.
2GB, 4GB,8GB memory cards.
sold for N250, N400,
N550 Respectively, on wholesale
basics here in nigerian market. but you will get them at the
rate of N120, N180, N300, From the website am about
to introduce to you.
There are many other
products with a very cheap price. like USB FLASH DRIVES, MOBILE PHONE ACCESSORIES ETC. You can start with them
and grow your business into millions within a few months.
How Real Is This Business?
I know this must be the queston going around your mind. well humanly
speaking, it sound very unbeleiveable for someone to start importation business with just a N10,000. but here
and now i will show you some proofs that
it really work.
take a look bellow.

You see the jewelry above is sold
for $0.99 which is N157 in Nigeria Currency, now when you
buy 24pcs or more,you will get it at a bulk price. which is at the rate
of $0.96 which is N152 and the total price for the
24pcs is $23.04
which is N3,600 In Nigrian Currency,
That same jwelrey of the same quality and design are been sold for
over N1,000 each here in lagos wholesale market. but you gets it for N152 in
N10,000 you can buy 72 pieces of that jwelries. ok lets say you bought 72 pieces with N10,000 and you
supplies it to resalelers at te rate of N1,000 NAIRA EACH, from a simple calculation, you will discover that
you will be making cool profit N72,000 after selling all the 72 pieces of necklace. if you can complete two trip of
this business in just a month, you are making a profit of N72,000*2 which is N144,000. this will be your profit in
just a month on a business you started with a capital of just N10,000 only.
is that not a Good biz? Now check your profit and how much
you will make if you can do this business in just a space of one YEAR.
I understand that their is shipping fee
of $99.55 on the price as listed above. You dont
need to worry over that, i will show you a method you can use to ship your goods for free. so
dont worry about the shipping fee.
Ok see this one

Original men's wrist watch been
sold for $4.74 which is about N700 when converted to Nigeria courrency. This same watch of the same
standard are sold for N2000 here in Nigeria market.

Check out this ladies slippers above been sold at the rate of $1.65
which is N264 when converted to Nigeria currency. this same slippers is selling nothing less than N1,000
here in Nigeria market. you too can see the difference yourself.

Check out
this ladies wears above, compare the prices these clothes are been sold in some of the boutiques around our
country.but in chines market, these clothes are been sold three times cheaper than what they are been sold
here in Nigeria. you can import these items and make much money after selling
Also check this school / office pen
below, school pen that are selling for N18 naira here in Nigeria whole sale market, 500 pieces of this same pen
are been sold for only $15.23. when you divide the $15.23 into 500 pieces, the price for 1 pen will be $0.03.
which is about N4 here in Nigerian money.

As you can
see from the picture above, these men's jeans wear which is been sold for $4.90 in the chines market,
which is N780 when converted to naira. this same jeans wear is selling at the rate of nothing less than N2,500
NAIRA in some Nigerian wholesale market. am sure you can see the difference
Below are some of the pictures of our just
concluded 5th October 2013 Lagos importation business workshop.
workshop classroom

Picture On Me Illustrating some

Attendants pictures.

Its not a must for you to start this
business with N10,000, You can start with a more resonable amount if you have above
N10,000, you can still do this business . depending on your financial ability. But the more money
you invest, the more quantity of goods you buy and the more profit you make.
Tips On How To Sell Your Products Fast With More Profit.
In every buying and selling business, your turnover will
detamine your success. the same is applicable here. if you can run a complete five
trip turn over within a month. in this business, then the sky
will be your limit.
Here are some tips.
you dont need to sell all your goods by yourself. just like i
did. i sold them in bulk. what i mean is. simply locate people that are selling the products around you. all you
will do is to supply them your good at a reduced price more cheaper than what they usally buy them in nigerian
wholesale market. that will make them buy from you and still demand for more.
Now let say you started with N10,000 and you are able the
run three to four market turnover within a month, using the simple tip i show you above, by my
calculation, you capital should be around
250,000 to 300,000 after just a month.
I Dont Have Any Means of Making Online Payment, How Do I Buy
And Pay Online.
Even if you don’t have access to any means of online
payment, we have also made a provision to carry you along. We have thought about it and have written a book to be
giving to you as a bonus. This book contains information on how you can get a world wide accepted MasterCard the
same day you applied for it here in Nigeria. The most interesting thing about this mastercard is that you can also
fund it with Naira via any bank next to you and also, you can use it to withdraw all you online earning via any ATM
machine in any Nigerian Bank.
About Our Guide To Importation Manual.

“Guide To Importation
The "Guide To Importation Manual" is a comprehensive ebook that
unveils every neccessary imformation needed to start importation business, anyone can apply and start
importing goods in a small scale from china without travelling to china and you can start this business with
as low as N10,000.This ebook was compiled by me after extensive Market Research to determine the goods that are selling hot because what you need to import is what is selling hot and not what is not selling cause thats where the cash lays. If you import a product that doesnt have high demand so how are you going to sell it? of course you will sell it but not that fast and it might take you a lot of time to sell it, i bet thats not what you want right?, yes what you and i want to buy is what you can sell easily and fastly in other to order more.
This guide also covers everything about determining the price range of a product, get to know how much a product sells here in the local market and how much it sells in the international market where you will be buying from in order to avoid losses.
I persoanlly have been doing this importation business for sometime now and i must confess is really the bomb and many people that i have taught this business can attest to it and the most interesting thing about this business is that you dont need to go on the streets looking for who will buy the good's from you, NOPE I have unveiled in the secret of getting already made buyers waiting for the arrival of your goods cause you will be like a supplier to them and you will be suppling at a more cheaper rate than they buys in the local market here while also making your own profits and who will see a cheap high quality market and refuse to buy? No one.
Listed Below Are Few Among Many TESTIMONIAL emails we recived from clients who have ordered this guide to importation business manual before now.

Inside Guide To Importation
Guide to importation business is a power packed e-Book, loaded with all information on how to start importation business in Nigeria with a very little capital as low as N10,000 only. Inside Guide importation, you will discover the following secrets:-

How to Order For Guide To Importation
The original selling price of Guide to importation business manual is N5,000 but today, you can enjoy this importation package wth others with only N3,000.
NOTE: The 3000 Naira promotion price is a limited time offer and is liable to change anytime without formal notification.Selling PriceN5,000Promotion Price TodayN3,0000How To Make Your Payment For The Complete Guide To Importation Business Manual.There are TWO WAYS you can order and get a copy of complete guide to importation business. You can make payment to our company's bank account with the details below or you can make payment online for the complete guide to importation with your ATM CARD and get the download page instantly after payment.To order for your GUIDE TO IMPORTATION BUSINESS Using bank payment or online transfer from your account , simply pay or transfer the sum of Three THOUSNAD naira only ( N3,000) into our company's account with the following account details..Make your payment into our company's account.(N3,000 Only.)
Bank: Guarantee Trust Bank ( GTbank)
Account Name: Exto Online
Account Number: 0111250638
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NOTE we will send you the download link to your
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You can as well
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covered with our 30-Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, if in any case after paying for this package and you it didn't yield
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please always recommend this manual to your friends or facebook friends.PSS: Our costomer support lines and email address are always open for you to contact us and ask any futher question. just ask and we will be glad to attend to you.
Thanks for your
Onuwa chike madukwe
President- Exto Online Services
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